1:08am Cam 3/4- Scottie & Fessy talk about how Haleigh gives bad hugs
2:52pm Cam 1/2- Fessy goes into the HOH room and asks Haleigh to pluck his eyebrows. (Haleigh goes downstairs but comes right back up)
3:44pm Cam 3/4- Fessy joins Haleigh, Scottie, & Brett in the have not room. General chit chat.
4:10pm Cam 1/2- Haleigh talking to Rockstar about Fessy (Massive Ethnically Ambiguous King)
5:42pm Cam 3/4- Fessy asleep in pink room, Haleigh goes in and messes with him
6:35pm Cam 1/2- Haleigh, Rockstar, Sam, & Brett in pink room looking through Rockstar's clothes while she packs. Fessy sleeping but wakes up and joins in the convo.
8:30pm Cam1/2- Fessy goes into geo room where Haleigh is. She asks him what's wrong....
8:44pm Cam 1/2- Fessy goes up to the HOH room and joins Haleigh, Rockstar, & Scottie
8:55pm Cam 1/2- Cams back to HOH - Haleigh, Scottie, Rockstar, & Fessy all on HOH bed talking
9:23pm Cam 1/2- Cams back to HOH room
11:41pm Cam 3/4- Fessy goes up to HOH room with Haleigh & Scottie. Rockstar joins - all talking about votes for the next days eviction