Saturday, August 4, 2018

Saturday, August 4, 2018

8:48 am Cam 1/2 - Haleigh and Fessy talking in the bathroom about the veto and who the hacker is going to pick to play in the veto. (For us, it's so funny watching this now.  Fessy KNOWS it's Haleigh but she just won't admit it)

9:13 am Cam 1/2 - Haleigh and Fessy in bed in the pink room along with JC.  JC leaves at 9:16 and Fessy cuddles up.

9:59 am Cam 1/2 - Feeds are back from the veto picks.  Haleigh, Bayleigh, RS, Fessy, JC are all in the pink room.  Haleigh leaves to go braid Angela's hair.

10:27 am Cam 3/4 - Haleigh comes back to the pink room and gets in bed.

11:59 am Cam 3/4 - Haleigh, Fessy, RS all in bed in pink room napping.

2:48 pm Cam 1/2 - Feeds back from veto comp.  Haleigh, Bayleigh, RS in pink room talking about comp.  Fessy and JC join.  They talk about what could happen with Angela taking down Tyler.

3:57 pm Cam 3/4 - Haleigh and Fessy in the pink room.  They are talking about who is going to be the replacement nominee.  Haleigh tells Fessy that she doesn't think he will be the replacement nominee, he doesn't seem so convinced.

4:54 pm Cam 3/4 - Haleigh, Bayleigh, and JC in the geo room playing pictionary.  Fessy joins then RS joins.  5:13 no one can figure out Fessy's drawing - Haleigh guesses a stripper for everything LOL.  Scotty finally gets it.  Pictionary goes on for a while.  Cams change and come back multiple times.

7:33 pm Cam 1/2 - Haleigh goes in the geo room looking for her shoes and finds Fessy.  She says hi to him sweetly and tells him he smells good.

9:48 pm Cam 3/4 - Haleigh is wearing Fessy's hoodie

9:51 pm Cam 1/2 - Fessy checking Haleigh out in his hoodie

10:11 pm Cam 3/4 - Haleigh joins Bay on the hammock and watches Fessy working out.

10:19 pm Cam 3/4 - Haleigh to Bay: "Fessy's slimming up.  He's so attractive." (I wish I could hear what all Haleigh and Bay talk about after that but the mics focus on Fessy and Brett)   Haleigh is watching him work out HARDCORE.

10:29 pm Cam 1/2 - Fessy said that he feels like he is getting skinny.  Haleigh tells him that they were just talking about that and that he looks good  "You look GOOD....I like it"

11:06 pm Cam 3/4 - Haleigh tells Fessy on the outside couch that her and Bay are working on a deal to make sure that he isn't the replacement nominee. Fessy gives Haleigh a super cute kiss on the cheek.

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