Thursday, July 5, 2018

Thursday, July 5, 2018

12:01 am Cam 3/4- Fessy is talking about being a substiute teacher and how he takes roll call. Haleigh says she would be so bad in Fessy's class. She said she would be sure she did her makeup if Fessy was her teacher. Said that girls would probably be trying to sneak in his class.

12:29 am Cam 3/4- Fessy gets a Hamazon Delivery and brings it back to the PR. Sits beside Haleigh to eat it.

12:31 am Cam 3/4- Little stare off between them. Fessy then asks how much her sandals costs and freaks out about the price. Haleigh calls him vanilla. (funny given how many times later on he says that about her playfully) Fessy says he is Mocha Frappuccino. Talk then goes into sucking toes. These subjects are the topic for a while.

12:41 am Cam 3/4- Fessy picks Haleigh up and carries her upside down because she threw his hat. After he put her down she goes and gives it back. He says "awww..."

1:15 am Cam 3/4- Haleigh motions for Fessy to come join her and RS in the geo room to hang out. They are pretty cozy. Others join them (FOUTTE) They discuss the vote for tomorrow (Steve/Sam) and then they have some game talk.

2:21 am Cam 3/4- In kitchen eating pizza. Fessy says "So RS sleeping with JC?" to try to get Haleigh to sleep with him.

2:29 am Cam 3/4- "Personal hygiene" and "saving water" convo.

2:34 am Cam 1/2- Fayleigh doing nightly routine in bathroom getting ready for bed.

2:37am Cam 1/2- Haleigh tells Fessy goodnight and gives him a hug. He says "Goodnight boo."

9:41 am Cam 1/2- In PR with group. Haleigh is in Fessy's bed with him. She is alseep. He is talking with everyone. He tries to wake her.

2:07 pm Cam 3/4- Haleigh has her hair and makeup done for live show. Fessy tells her she looks cute.

2:26 pm Cam 3/4- Haleigh joins Fessy and JC (others come too) in HN room.

8:33 pm Cam 3/4- Haleigh says her head hurts. She thinks it is from her tight braids. Fessy tells her to take them out. Haleigh doesn't want to because Bayleigh worked hard on them.

10:41 pm Cam 3/4- Fessy and Swaggy are telling the girls about Winston and the "Cool meeting bro." Fessy wanted to spazz out on him. Haleigh saying they needed to keep their cool.

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